Post Office Box 655
Bronx, NY 10465
What is EasyView?
In case you don't already know, iTunes is an amazing MP3 Player/Encoder/etc. from Apple. It is the best and easiest MP3 program available for any platform and best of all, it's free. One of the many spectacular features of iTunes is it's Visual Plugins. iTunes can display graphics on your screen, while your music is playing, that moves and changes along with the music. EasyView is the third of many Visual Plugins for iTunes from Trinfinity Software.
EasyView allows you to easily view the track information for the current song, even if you are far away from your computer. You can select the font, size, and colors for the display. You can also select which information to show - Title, Artist, Album, Genre, File Name, Duration, File Kind, File Size, File Type, Track Number, Total Tracks, Bit Rate, Year, Comments, and Volume Adjustment.
And to keep things interesting, you can turn on trails, which are behind the text and move according to the music.
How do you change the Settings?
When EasyView is selected and the iTunes Visuals are enabled, the top right iTunes button becomes the "Options" button. Press this button to open the EasyView settings window.
How Much Does It Cost?
EasyView is freeware. You do not have to pay for it. Feel free to give it to anyone you wish but make sure that this Read Me is with it.
To install EasyView, simply copy it into the /Plug-ins/Visual Plug-ins/ directory in your iTunes folder. Then launch iTunes, Select "EasyView" from the "Visuals" menu, and click the visuals button.
System Requirements
This version of EasyView requires Mac OS 9 and iTunes 1.1.
Please feel free to send us feedback on EasyView. Send all feedback to: